Studies and Analysis
2017 UK
Instructed by: Law firm
Technical advice on whelk fisheries and whelk trading and processing in relation to a commercial dispute between two shellfish companies.
2015-16 UK
Instructed by: Law firm
Assessment of commercial, charter and recreational fishing in an East Coast estuary and likely impacts from the establishment of bottom-grown mussel farming plots.
2016 UK
Instructed by: North Atlantic Fisheries College Marine Centre, Shetland
Independent Scoping Study to provide guidance as to the future of the onshore aquaculture R&D facilities at the NAFC complex. The study included assessment of current facilities, discussion of R&D support needs with local fish and shellfish farming industry, review of all marine aquaculture R&D facilities in the UK, also likely R&D requirements and funding sources in future.
2013-14 UK
Instructed by: Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum
Study on possible novel sources of seedstock acquisition for the Scottish mussel farming industry. After several years of poor and unpredictable seed settlement, this study reviewed global experiences with seed acquisition and made an analysis of possible future options for Scotland to improve seed supplies.
2012 UK
Instructed by: Scottish Government
Detailed study into evidence of impact of freshwater cage rearing of salmon to wild salmonids. Likely costs, benefits and implications to industry associated with various scenarios of reduction in freshwater cage use.
2011 UK
Instructed by: Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum
Study into the potential for macro- and micro-algae to provide ingredients for commercial fish feeds in Scotland.
2010-11 UK
Instructed by: Welsh Assembly Government
Independent review of the Wales Fishery Strategy. Assessment of progress of Implementation Plans within the Strategy for each of the marine fisheries, aquaculture, inland fisheries and recreational sea angling sub-sectors.
2010 UK
Instructed by: Scottish Government
Early evaluation and policy review of Inshore Fisheries Groups in Scotland. Research to estimate costs and likely future benefits surrounding Inshore Fisheries Groups. International review of alternative models for stakeholder-led inshore fisheries management bodies and their applicability to Scotland. Recommendations as to future numbers, remit, structure and funding of IFG’s in Scotland.
2009-10 UK
Instructed by: Wildlife Trusts
Research into the evolution of the scallop fishing industry in the UK, in particular long-term analysis of distribution of fishing effort. Also review of catch values, comparisons with other key species in UK fishery, vessel economics and employment.
2009-18 UK
Instructed by: Law firm
Study on cockle fishing practices in England in relation to a dispute over access to private cockle beds.
2008 UK
Instructed by: Scottish Government
Review of local authority plans for aquaculture development within Scotland, including their coverage of the industry and the extent to which they accord with Scottish Planning Policy (SPP 22), which aims to maximise the economic benefits to be derived from aquaculture while maintaining an acceptable environmental impact.
2007-08 UK
Instructed by: Scottish Government
Study of the costs and benefits associated with operating the Tripartite Working Group, which was formed in 1999 with the aim of finding solutions to enable the farmed salmonid industry and wild salmonid fisheries to co-exist on the west coast of Scotland. The study involved gathering information and views from all parties at the national level and in detail from 5 case study Area Management Agreements . Costs were identified where possible for all participants. A range of indicators of economic, environmental and social benefits were assessed quantitatively and qualitatively.
2006-07 UK
Instructed by: Solway Firth Partnership
Development of an Aquaculture Strategy for the Solway Firth. Detailed study into the potential for aquaculture production in the Solway area, including production areas and techniques, shellfish infrastructure and markets. Review of uses of sheltered water areas and development of a strategy to optimise economic potential within the many conservation designations within the Solway area.
2006-07 UK
Instructed by: Wildlife Trusts
Research and analysis to estimate the likely economic value of scalloping, potting/netting and recreational angling and diving in a proposed 60 sq mile conservation zone in Lyme Bay, English Channel.
2006-07 Denmark, France, Spain, Netherlands
Instructed by: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
The study was prompted by the recruitment crisis in European fishing fleets, examined its root causes and assessed the success and transferability of various innovative measures used to attract and retain crew on European fishing vessels.
2006 UK
Instructed by: North Eastern Sea Fisheries Committee
Short study to review an Marine Stewardship Council assessment of the sustainability of lobster and sea bass stocks off north-east England.
2005-06 UK
Instructed by: Ministerial Working Group for Aquaculture, Scottish Executive
Study to assess the potential for the use of economic, social and environmental sustainability indicators in the Scottish aquaculture industry. Review of sustainability issues from a range of sources, identification of potential indicators and development of a scoring system to select one “High Level” indicator for each principle. Assessed potential for indices comprising of several indicators as a means of charting progress towards environmental sustainability.
2005-06 UK
Instructed by: English Nature Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund / Portsmouth University
Key role in the “Overfalls Project”, a novel initiative aiming to develop stakeholder led spatial management in the marine environment. Study area focused on a series of unique sand ridges in the English Channel of interest to angling, charter and commercial fishing, aggregate extraction, conservation bodies, diving and general navigation. Analysis of existing uses and conflicts, issues for and attitudes towards improved management, formation of a user interest group.
2004 Serbia & Montenegro (Kosovo UNMIK)
Instructed by: European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR)
Sector survey of aquaculture and fisheries. Survey of aquaculture and fisheries production, employment, costs, competitiveness, potential for expansion, fisheries and aquaculture product consumption and demand forecasting, strategy for development.
2003 UK
Instructed by: Local community group
Technical assessment of a planned fishing quay serving the commercial fishing fleet based in the Helford estuary, Cornwall.
2002-3 UK / world-wide
Instructed by: IOPC Fund
Preparation of technical guidelines for assessing fisheries sector claims, with special reference to small-scale operations lacking evidence of normal earnings.
The guidelines contain: introductory narrative on the fishing industry and its economic context; methods for rapidly estimating global losses shortly post-spill including benchmarking models for various categories of small scale fishing, farming and processing; detailed claims assessment methods including first screening; business model templates for each of fishing, aquaculture and processing and methods for gathering critical data in the field.
2002 UK
Instructed by: Local Government
Technical appraisal of a live shellfish holding and trading facility and assessment for the functional need for on-site accommodation, with reference to a planning application.
2002 UK
Instructed by: Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Detailed study on the socio-economic importance of the aquaculture industry in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. The study analysed various indicators of economic contribution in three Island groups and the mainland and examined likely change over 10 years under various outcomes of issues facing the industry.
2002 UK/Ghana/Ivory Coast
Instructed by: Insurer
Investigations into the status of fishery boundaries between Ivory Coast and Ghana, in relation to a historic case where a European fishing vessel was arrested by Ghanaian authorities for allegedly fishing illegally.
2001 UK/worldwide
Instructed by: Marine Stewardship Council
Contribution to global study to assess the potential for eco-labelling of aquaculture products. Examination of industries supplying key markets, survey of producer attitudes, retailer attitudes, other sustainability schemes, options for implementation.
2001 UK
Instructed by: Skye and Lochalsh Enterprise
Study to assess the potential for a shellfish marketing co-op on the Isle of Skye
Prior to mid-2001 Homarus Ltd staff were responsible for undertaking or supervising numerous earlier fisheries studies in the fisheries sector. Major studies are summarised below:
2001 UK and Ireland:
Detailed study to assess the profitability of the Scottish and Irish salmon farming industries.
2000 UK, Norway, Ireland:
Strategic and technical guidance to potential purchasers of the world’s largest salmon farming company.
1998-9 15 Member-States of EU:
Land-mark study into aquaculture throughout the EU and the 10 year outlook. Leadership of 12 specialists working on eight species groups throughout EU.
1998-9 UK:
Assessment for potential of expansion of aquaculture in the south west of England.
1998–1999 Ireland, Denmark, Greece:
Socio-economic importance of fisheries sector in above countries, degree of dependence on fishing in coastal areas, analysis of success of EU Structural Policies.
1995 Australia:
Development of a strategic plan for aquaculture for the Government of South Australia.
1991 Saudi Arabia:
Site inspections and preparation of corporate development plan for aquaculture.
1989-93 Kenya:
Site assessment, detailed design and project management for an integrated shrimp farm.
1988-9 UK:
Assessment of world Penaeid shrimp culture industry as market for aquaculture feeds.