Company Overview
Homarus Ltd are specialist technical consultants in fisheries and aim to provide high quality, impartial advice and practical solutions at good value to clients.
The company has particular strength and experience in the assessment of the impact of marine accidents and other external factors on fisheries and aquaculture.
Company personnel have worked continually on damage assessment projects for over 30 years including BRAER, SEA EMPRESS and PRESTIGE oil spills and other high profile cases such as the Lincshore scheme (a major UK coastal defence project) and numerous offshore wind farm projects. They have established a reputation for being at the forefront of loss assessment methodology and advising on fisheries related compensation issues. Impacts fall into two main categories
- Physical impacts: shipping collisions, coastal and offshore engineering interference with fishing vessels, fish farms, fish and shellfishing grounds.
- Pollution impacts: pollution of fishing grounds, fish and shellfish farms, sensitive habitats.
The company has its roots in shellfish production and also provides wider advice on the fisheries sector and undertakes:
- Fishing industry studies
- Fisheries socio-economic studies
- Market analysis for fisheries products
- Feasibility studies
- Corporate analysis / due diligence
For more details on fisheries studies and analysis click here.
Homarus was founded in 2001 by Patrick Franklin, a marine biologist with 42 years’ experience in the fisheries sector.
The company runs an office near Winchester, Hampshire, UK. It supports projects and staff, has a bank of reference material, subscribes to international market databases for fish products and maintains a wide network of collaborative experts and fishing industry contacts around the world.